
Hallelujah (I think)

OH MY GOD!!!!!”
I screamed when I read the letter. Only one of Nick’s hearing aids is working at the moment but he turned around to see what the matter was.
You’ve been offered a flat! The one on X--- Street that’s just ten minutes walk away! Oh my goodness!!”
Nick is sitting calmly munching his breakfast. I want to dance him around the room. On Wednesday it looked as if we were starting the process all over again only with much less time, and three days later he’s got a flat!! And it must be OK because he’s actually got the offer in writing, so presumably whatever the OT thought was wrong with the previous place does not apply here. He’s not going to be homeless! I’m so excited and so, so relieved.

This is the property that the housing officer thought might be harder to let because it’s furnished, but advised that we should be able to get around that and it was also more likely to have the right adaptations for Nick.
What if it’s horrible inside? I want to see it straight away! We have to phone to make a viewing appointment but it’s Saturday morning and the council offices are closed.
Never mind, we will push him down there in the wheelchair later to show him where it is. I have a rough idea as I often walk through that area on a short cut, but can’t quite place the name of the street. It is really not far, though.

Cut to today, Tuesday. We have a viewing arranged for this afternoon. What will it be like, and please please please let Nick approve. What does "furnished" actually mean? 
Is it going to be tiny? Will there be room to swing a cat, in fact will the cats even be allowed? I have to curb my impatience. Soon enough, all will be revealed….

How Exciting” says Nick.
I’m not sure how much of this process has really sunk in with him. On Saturday night over a celebratory glass of fizz, I expressed again how very relieved I am after these last six weeks of anxiety - the clock ticking, the calendar pages flying by, the landlord drumming his fingers and still nowhere to live. Nick looked puzzled.
I didn’t know I was being evicted? Who by?

All I can say is, it’s testament to the effort I’ve made to deal with the situation without making him feel he’s done anything wrong, transferring any of my own massive anxiety to him. 
I’ve obviously done a VERY good job there! You kind of have to laugh.